Photograph of field of sunflowers by Gina Marraccini

Gina Marraccini

Photo of the Community letters at Soil Born Farms by Gina Marraccini

Gina Marraccini

Photo of two children playing in the water at Soil Born Farms

Photo of new plants in a greenhouse at Soil Born Farms

Kara Chin

Pictured: A cover crop at Soil Born Farms with a sign explaining how cover cropping works; photo by Nolan Kirby

Nolan Kirby

Spring is Here

Pictured: Painting of worker in garden by Michael Welch

Advice from a Garden

  • Cultivate Lasting Friendships
  • Sow seeds of kindness
  • Listen to sage advice
  • Don’t let the little things bug you
  • Be outstanding in your field
  • Take thyme for yourself

Let’s Garden!

Organic Plant Sale

Our Greenhouse Garden Shop is bursting with new life ready to find a new home in your garden. This year we have extended the Spring Plant Sale with more opportunities to shop. You’ll find new, interesting seedling varieties and all of your favorites chosen to grow well in our climate.

Greenhouse Garden Shop & Fruit Tree Nursery
Shop in Person

Saturdays March 29- May 3 from 8am-1pm
Wednesdays April 2- 30 from 10am-1pm

Shop Online & Pick up Saturday

Tuesday 5pm – Thursday 9am
Schedule a convenient appointment for drive thru pick up
Shop Online

Walk & Talk with Greenhouse Manager Emily Hain

Saturdays 9-9:30 am

Get a behind the scenes look at how we grow and care for our plant seedlings in the Soil Born greenhouse! Walk through the spaces to learn about what is growing and the special tools we use to produce happy and successful seedlings. Hear Emily’s recommendations for this spring’s must-have plants!

Check out our Gardening Classes

Download our Spring Plant List

Weekly Online Marketplace

Drive-thru Farmstand Pickup on Saturday

Our marketplace features organic produce, prepared foods, seedlings, fruit trees and an assortment of organic pantry and baked goods that we have curated from local farms, bakeries and small businesses (see details below). It’s a one-stop shopping experience that will support you and local farmers, bakers, artisans and entrepreneurs.

Shop from Tuesday at 5pm through Thursday at 9am >>

Order and Pickup Schedule for the Week of March 17

Order Online: Tues., March 18 from 5pm through Thurs., March 20 at 9am
Prescheduled Order Pickup: Sat., March 22 between 8am and 1:00pm
Note: Our services may be limited during storms or extreme heat. Check the website or social media for updates.

Saturday at the Farm

Stress-Free Shopping

Open Air Organic Produce Stand

For our customers who prefer to shop in person and choose their own produce. With the aim to provide you with an abundant selection of organic produce every season, we are honored to sell organic produce from our own fields and from family farms and orchards in the region. For the best selection order online and choose the walk up option on Saturday. We’ll have everything packed and ready to go. If you see something else you want, you can buy that too. EBT accepted. Opens at 8:00 am.

Milly’s Mercantile

We’ve curated a delicious collection of local farm goods, pantry staples and handcrafted products, Camina bread, Real Pie Company pies, homemade soup by the quart from our Farmstand Kitchen. We are proud to feature the creations of local artisans. Check out the local, unique artisan products and practical gifts we offer in Milly’s Mercantile. Open 8:30 am-1pm.

Phoebe’s Tea & Snack Bar

Named after a beloved cow, Phoebe’s Tea & Snack Bar is a micro business created to provide on-the-job training for our teen empowerment program. We serve Pachamama organic coffee, organic tea blends, chai, hot spiced cider, cold beverages, healthy snacks and delicious baked goods from Real Pie Co., Camina, Old Soul Co. and our very own Farmhouse Kitchen. The Stop by on your next bike ride, hike or farm visit. Local musicians perform each week. Opens at 8:30 am. Enjoy Brunch from the Farmhouse Kitchen. Served 9am-1pm. Seasonal Menu.

Greenhouse Garden Shop & Fruit Tree Nursery

Spring and summer seedlings are making their return to our greenhouse. Shop in person at our Greenhouse Garden Shop & Fruit Tree Nursery Saturday mornings from 8am – 1pm March 29 – May 3 or visit our online marketplace to stock up on spring crops, herbs, fruit trees, compost, potting soil and garden goods.

Regenerative agriculture provides answers to the soil crisis, the hunger crisis, the health crisis and the climate crisis and the crisis of democracy

~Dr. Vandana Shiva

Projects & Programs

  1. Harvest Sacramento

    A collaborative effort of area residents, non-profits, community groups and businesses which harvest underutilized fruit and vegetables from backyards and small orchards and donate it to local food assistance agencies.

  2. Grow Your Groceries

    A beginning farmer and gardener training program designed to provide knowledge and hands-on experience to the aspiring urban grower. Our instructors are experienced masters of organic agriculture and horticulture and experts in farm entrepreneurship.

  3. Eat Your Veggies

    Cooking demos and educational projects at the farm stand and in the community.

  4. Growing Together

    Teacher training program supports the Garden in Every School movement, established by Delain Eastin and includes hands-on trainings and an annual symposium.

  5. Eat the Rainbow

    eatrainbow_171x107An educational program promoting healthy eating habits and adventures in the culinary arts

  6. Flower Power

    flowerpower166x104Flowers and herbs home-grown on the farm…

  7. Roots & Wings

    roots_wings200x110Our youth education program focuses on experiential, hands-on learning in the natural world and in the kitchen. Activities include: field trips, classes, workshops, farm tours, summer camp and job training.

Our Goals

Local Organic Food Production

Create, manage and support urban organic farms and gardens that are accessible to the public, permanently protected for future generations, and that practice and promote responsible land stewardship.

Community Education

Develop a food and environmental education program focused on service and experiential learning in the natural world and in the kitchen for youth and adults. Activities include classes, hands-on workshops, tours, job training and youth leadership development.

Food Access for All

Address food security needs by developing alternative food distribution and food donation programs that target our underserved communities.

Reconnect with the Land

Bring people together to celebrate cultural diversity and share the simple pleasures of living life in harmony with nature.

Regenerating Our Soil

Soil Born Featured in Comstock’s Magazine

Pictured: Grow Your Groceries - Edible City Initiative logoRead the Comstock’s Magazine article about regenerative agriculture practices in our area. Soil Born Farm’s shift toward a regenerative management plan is slow and one of continuous learning that strategically introduces new agricultural methods. As the farm reopens to the public—that’s expected late spring or early summer—those practices will have an even stronger presence in the farm’s (urban agriculture educational) curriculum. Read the article: Regenerating Our Soil >>