Sat., March 29, 2025
9:30am - 12:30pm
Join this hands-on workshop to learn about planting plans for spring, curriculum and engaging student-led projects.
Join this hands-on workshop to learn about planting plans for spring, curriculum and engaging student-led projects.
Learn about the best plants for raised beds, containers and small spaces. Use trellises, companion planting and root vegetables to maximize your space.
Prepare your garden for spring planting by learning about the basics of composting, vermicomposting and no till practices that will enhance the health of your soil and ultimately the plants that grow in it.
Free classes, talks and tours. Learn how to grow vibrant, tasty, and healthy plants from Soil Born Farm’s knowledgeable staff and community educators. This is a rain or shine event. Registration will occur at the event ONLY and be on a first-come, first-served basis. Visit our Greenhouse and Garden Shop to fill your garden with vegetable starts, edible perennials, medicinal and culinary herbs, succulents and fruit trees which will provide food and beauty through the fall and winter.
This three part series will teach you everything you need to know to design, plan and install your own edible home garden.
Learn about the benefits of native plants and their adaptability to our climate extremes, while being essential to providing habitat, food and shelter for wildlife.
Learn about the benefits of native plants and their adaptability to our climate extremes, while being essential to providing habitat, food and shelter for wildlife.
Learn about the benefits of native plants and their adaptability to our climate extremes, while being essential to providing habitat, food and shelter for wildlife.
Learn to spot the differences between a weed and an edible plant you’ll want to keep around.
Participants will leave with actionable steps to prepare and grow their own productive and resilient fall garden at home.