Collard Greens
mustard greens (opt)
meat (some kind of pork -ham hock,etc)
salt & Ppper to taste
hot pepper vinegar (opt)
Bring to a boil enough salted water to cover collards. If you eat meat, put a ham hock, trotter, or some piggy part in the pot– pork & greens, classic combo.
Remove stems & chiffonade your collards into half inch strips. Throw your mustard greens in too, get crazy.
Put the greens in the pot & simmer 15 minutes– longer if you like them mushier, but 15 should do it. Then drain.
Melt a whole bunch of butter in a saucepan & sauté up some onions and garlic, maybe some chopped up bacon if you want.
Put the greens in there and stir it around until delicious. Adjust to taste with more butter, salt, garlic, or liquid for consistency.
Serve with hot pepper vinegar. (If you don’t have that you’ll have to use vinegar & hot sauce, but do it anyway.)